Message from the Chair

On behalf of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) and the World Federation of Development Financing Institutions (WFDFI), I wish to thank the TNRC Development Bank for hosting the International CEO Forum 2018 in Kyrenia, North Cyprus.

This conference for chief executives and other senior officers of development finance institutions (DFIs) or, alternatively called, development banks, has gained prominence and relevance as an effective platform for best practice and ideas exchange, relationship-building, and business cooperation.

As catalysts for sustainable development, the DFI-organizers chose the theme, “DFIs and the Green Economy”, which is apt and relevant at this time when the UN-led sustainable development goals adopted by its 193 member-states and global civil society are in place and under implementation.

Among the topics to be covered at the conference includes DFIs strategic management system, green manufacturing and MSMEs, renewable energy, water and waste management systems, green building/affordable housing and sustainable agriculture.

I thus invite all WFDFI members, partners, and other stakeholders to join us in Kyrenia to meet, share, and nurture our common purpose of seeking ways and means on how best we can all carry out our sustainable development mission in these challenging times and beyond.

I look forward to meeting you all!